Skin Clean Dermatology Clinic

Clean and Clear Skin for Everyone

Your Feedback is Important to us

We thank you in advance for giving us some of your precious time to answer our customer feedback survey.

This survey will be an important element in our day to day clinic operations because this will determine how we will evolve in the coming weeks and months. Through your help we will know what is working for our patients and what we can improve to make your experience in Skin Clean Dermatology Clinic more enjoyable and relaxing.

What day would you most likely visit Skin Clean Dermatology Clinic?

What time would you most likely visit Skin Clean Dermatology Clinic?

Which service did you avail?

Were you attended by the doctor in a timely manner?

Did the doctor explain the diagnosis, cause and treatment options for your skin concern?

Was the treatment area/ consultation area clean and orderly?

Are the Doctor's Fees/Services priced right?

Do you know the name of the Facialist that assisted you?

Were you attended by the facialist in a timely manner?

Was the facialist courteous in dealing and speaking with you?

Was the treatment area clean and orderly?

Was the facialist knowledgable and able to answer basic questions about Skin Clean services and products?

Are the facial services priced right?

Would you recommend our facialist’s services to others?

Did you avail of any Skin Clean Products?

Are the Skin Clean product effective?

Are the Skin Clean product priced right?

Would you recommend our Skin Clean Product to others?

6 + 11 =

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